Animal Alphabet Adventure

In this fun-filled activity, children will embark on an Animal Alphabet Adventure! This activity incorporates concepts of occupational therapy by promoting fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and cognitive development.


  1. Download and print the Animal Alphabet Adventure PDF (available for download in our app!)

  2. The PDF contains 26 animals, each corresponding to a letter in the alphabet, but they are not listed in alphabetical order. The download also includes an answer key with the animals labeled to make sure you get each letter correct.

  3. Encourage the child to cut out the animal figures.

  4. Once all the animals are cut out, help your child arrange them in alphabetical order. This promotes cognitive development by reinforcing alphabet sequencing.

  5. For each animal, discuss the name of the animal, what letter it starts with, and how to make the sound of that letter or even the sound the animal makes!

  6. Encourage kids to think about how some of the animals could fit with more than one letter, as some could have multiple names. For instance, an iguana could also be called a lizard, a rabbit could also be called a bunny, or an alligator could also be called a crocodile.

Areas of Development:

This activity promotes fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and cognitive development by incorporating cutting, sequencing, and learning letters.


You will need scissors and the Animal Alphabet Adventure PDF. The PDF can be printed or opened on a tablet for easy reference during the activity.


There are only certain types of animals that start with the letter ‘X.’ For this exercise, we are using the Mexican hairless dog called the Xoloitzcuintli (pronounced "show-low-eats-QUEENT-lee"). It will be helpful to guide children through this letter and information — and ensure they feel they are correct in labeling it ‘D’ for dog as well.


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