Speech Therapy
Your Path to Clear Communication
Pediatric Speech-Language therapy consists of specialized intervention to allow children to gain appropriate communication skills in order to create valuable relationships in their lives.
Our pediatric speech-language pathologists provide evaluation, intervention, family-centered home programs in the following areas:
Speech Sound Production
Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Problem Solving
Language (Receptive and Expressive)
Syntax (Grammar)
Semantics (Vocabulary)
Pragmatics (Language use and social aspects of communication)
Literary (reading, writing, spelling)
Pre-linguistic Skills (joint attention, communicative intent, signaling)
Paralinguistic Communication
VitalStim Therapy
Oral Motor and Feeding Therapy
Pediatric oral motor-feeding therapy is the treatment of infants, toddlers, and children, who demonstrate difficulty eating, swallowing and sucking, or simply refuse to eat. An oral motor/feeding disorder affects an infant/child’s ability to consume sufficient nutrients to promote overall health and growth. If mealtime has become stressful for both you and/or your child, it is possible that your child may have oral motor and feeding issues.
Oral Motor and Feeding therapy can help address the following areas:
Gagging, coughing, choking, vomiting, congestion (noisy, gurgling) during feeding
Difficulty transitioning from breast to bottle, baby foods, solids and various textures
Abnormal suck-swallow, prolonged feeding time, excessive fluid loss during feeding
Refuses new foods; picky eater
Decreased tolerance to food on hands/face, turns head away, locks lips, does not want to self-feed
Does not chew food, or chews minimally
Anxious/irritable with eating, refuses to eat, disruptive during mealtime
Growth issues due to failure to consume enough nutrients, as in the case with active reflux
Need therapy but have a busy family schedule?
Consider Telehealth!
What happens when you have a child that struggles to develop speech? Children with complex communication needs may need to find other ways to communicate. This is when an SLP who specializes in AAC can assist in prescribing and providing therapy with a device for your child.
Questions before getting started? Get in touch.
We’re Mobile.
Tilton’s Therapy is MOBILE to accommodate patients in their natural environments. This allows for the incorporation of family members during therapy to allow for the greatest potential of therapeutic progression.