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Giant Paper Plate Memory Game
This activity focuses on fine and visual motor skills to color or trace shapes or letters. Children practice accuracy and identification of colors, letters, shapes, words, as well as working memory.
Dad You Rock - Father's Day Card
This activity focuses on fine motor skills to cut, write, draw, and fold the paper to make a card. Children engage visual motor skills and sensory input with different textures of the rocks and touch of the glue.
Pool Noodle Races
This activity focuses on problem solving, visual perceptual skills, and sensory motor skills such as using different weights or textures.
Father's Day Crafts
Father's Day is June 19 — Here are some fun and inexpensive ideas to gift that special dad, grandpa, uncle, brother, etc. Make an adorable card as a stand-alone gift or to go with your gift; use a footprint for the body and a handprint for the cape!
OT Animals
While you're outside, have some fun with these OT exercises. Therapists create some great gross motor exercise worksheets that target individual occupational therapy goals and incorporate unique learning styles.
Water Play!
Take advantage of being outside before it gets too hot!
Children love water play activities during hot weather, and many of them enhance gross motor skills.
Water Cup Racing
Get your summer started with this easy to set up game!
This activity focuses on auditory processing, gross motor skills, coordination, balance, motor planning, bilateral integration, visual perceptual skills, and hand and finger strength.
Father's Day Popsicle Craft
This activity works in visual motor integration to promote coloring in the lines. It also prompts creativity and the use of descriptive language skills to pick and identify what they want to add onto the picture to make it uniquely theirs!
Safe Home, Safe Family
June is National Safety Month. During this month, we aim to provide additional info for parents or families who want to learn more about how to impact their lives with the best safety measures in mind. This year, many of us have found ourselves “at home” more than ever before.
Family Health & Fitness
Family Health & Fitness Day is June 13th this year. Are you ready to get fit and have a ton of fun with your family? Then you are in the right place!
School's Out. Now What?
During the past few years, everyone has endured heightened stress levels and changes to their normal routine. For families with children, the disruption to routine likely caused children to stay home from school, parents to work from home, or countless other possible situations that changed the normal routine at home.
W-Sitting & Learning to Correct
A common issue for children as they are developing important muscle structures is their core strength in their trunk. While it is very typical to see a little one “W-sitting” - that is, sitting with your ankles on the outside of your bent knees - it is an important position to correct if you notice that a child in your life often position themselves this way.
Sensory-Friendly Home Modifications
Individuals of all ages may struggle with sensory processing issues. Those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in particular may experience sensory overload in certain situations. Sensory integration is the process in which your brain understands and manages the varying sensory input it receives.
Aphasia Awareness
Developing language skills is critical for children to adequately communicate in our world. When a child (or person of any age) has trouble forming and understanding words, it is typically referred to as aphasia. June is aphasia awareness month and approximately two million people in the United States have aphasia.
Phonics Fun
Phonics Fun is an interactive and educational activity that can enhance a child's speech and language skills, as well as their cognitive abilities while playing a fun game!
Handprint Bouquet for Mother's Day
Use your hands and simple supplies for an easy Mother’s Day surprise! This fun craft focuses on the development of fine motor skills to cut, write, trace and fold the paper. Children work on visual motor skills and sequencing to create this craft.
Easy Handprint Cup
Here's a fun and adorable keepsake activity whole family will enjoy making together and Mom will love forever! Make a salt dough handprint bowl for Mother's Day!
Chalk Ice Painting
Here's a great way to use the small pieces of sidewalk chalk you have leftover from your amazing obstacle course: create Chalk Ice to use over the next few days!
Sidewalk Obstacle Course
Since it's fitness and sports month, we found this great idea to create a Sidewalk Chalk Obstacle Course to keep your kids—and the neighborhood kids, too— entertained for hours! Enjoy!