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Activities Moon Bloom Activities Moon Bloom

Egg Color Sorting

Kids can practice verbalizing colors or sizes, since the tops/bottoms are not equal size. Draw patterns on the eggs to increase difficulty. Place egg parts on different sides of the room to incorporate gross motor skills.

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Activities Moon Bloom Activities Moon Bloom

Raincloud Name Craft

With the springtime season upon us, spring-themed crafts get help us get ready for the season. Use this craft to help kids learn how to spell their name (first, last, or both).

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Activities Moon Bloom Activities Moon Bloom

Egg Matching Cards

This matching game is easy to set up and fun to customize to make your own! Kids can color in the designs on the eggs using their device or they can be printed out and colored with crayons or colored pencils.

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Activities Moon Bloom Activities Moon Bloom

Gross Motor Dice Game

Use this easy template to print out a fun gross motor game! This activity focuses on helping children develop gross motor skills, coordination, motor planning, imagination, and pacing.

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Activities Moon Bloom Activities Moon Bloom

Really Big Bubbles

Not only following instructions for appropriate sequencing for cognitive development, but also running to create these huge industrial bubbles will get your kids excited, moving and enhancing their visual-motor integration skills to see who can pop them first!

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Activities Moon Bloom Activities Moon Bloom

Painting with Broccoli

Who knew green vegetables could be so much fun? Kids can use broccoli in a new way with this fun craft. There are many ways to create your own broccoli painting, so use the supplies that you have on hand (and cauliflower works just as well as broccoli!)

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Activities Moon Bloom Activities Moon Bloom

Mindful Breathing with Shapes

There are many ways to find a place of calm even when children are feeling stressed, overstimulated, or upset. Coping mechanisms exist for us to learn and use! Kids can learn their own versions of common coping mechanisms, such as breathing.

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Activities Moon Bloom Activities Moon Bloom

Easter Bunny Sock

Working on creating this Easter Bunny sock will help kids with their bilateral integration skills to cut, pour rice, and tie ribbon. Moreover, it will promote material organization and sequencing to adequately create the craft. Provide extra problem-solving challenges by giving them time to work through the process if they are old enough and stand by for questions.

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Activities Moon Bloom Activities Moon Bloom

Speech Water Play

Work on WH questions and final SH sounds with sensory play! This activity works on WH questions (describing, categories, prepositions, basic concepts and sentence formulation), final SH sounds, ADL to "clean" fish in the bucket, and sensory play.

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Activities Moon Bloom Activities Moon Bloom

Fingerprint Flowers

Use your hands and simple supplies for a fun spring craft! This activity focuses on sensory play through feeling the paint on the fingers/hands, visual perceptual to ID the colors and where to place fingers on the paper, finger isolation, and body awareness.

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Articles Moon Bloom Articles Moon Bloom

Stress Awareness

During the month of April, we aim to raise awareness about stress and the negative effect it can have on a person. As we get older, our responsibilities typically increase and it is understandable that stress comes as well. But children can also feel stressed because of the commitments they balance between school, extracurricular activities, or relationships.

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Articles, Company News Moon Bloom Articles, Company News Moon Bloom

Autism Awareness

April is Autism Awareness Month! Individuals with autism have many different symptoms, so it is usually referred to as a “spectrum” of qualities or varied behaviors associated with autism. As time progresses, we find more and more individuals each year are diagnosed with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). Today, approximately 1 in 59 children is diagnosed with ASD. Autism is broad in its diagnosis, and its characteristics range from social skills and behavior to physical aspects like seizures or sleep disorders.

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Articles Moon Bloom Articles Moon Bloom

What is Occupational Therapy?

Many people have heard of Occupational Therapy, but often are not sure of exactly what it is. It is important to understand what OT is, who benefits from it, and the history of how it came to be. The first thing to know is that occupational therapy does not have to do with jobs and occupations.

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